Workers Compensation Attorneys Gaylord MI


Complete our free workers’ compensation case review form for a prompt response from our knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorneys in our Gaylord, Michigan office.

If you have been injured on the job in Michigan, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to help you pay for medical bills, rehab, retraining as well as disability and long term assistance if required. In most cases, those injured on the job will receive benefits thanks to this insurance despite who’s fault the injury was however, that being said, each case is judged on an individual basis and is guided by Michigan workers’ compensation laws.

The first step to protecting your rights if you have been injured on the job is to know if you are entitled to benefits. A skilled and knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney will be able to assist you with this however, in general, to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits you must be an employee of the person or company, it must have been work related and the company you work for must carry workers’ compensation insurance.

All workers in all U.S. states and territories are protected by workers’ compensation laws. Created to protect workers who have been injured or become sick on the job, workers’ comp laws are run on a state level. For this reason, workers’ comp laws can be confusing and vary from state to state. It is unlikely that you will be familiar with all the rules regarding your rights which makes it important that you know who to contact if you believe you may be entitled to benefits.

Workers Compensation Attorneys Gaylord MI

If you have been injured or become ill on the job, please fill out the following form to receive a free workers’ compensation case review from our knowledgeable workers compensation attorneys Gaylord MI:


Getting Started is Easy


Step 1

Schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our knowlegeable attorneys.

Step 2

We’ll evaluate your case together and consider our options.

Step 3

We’ll work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.

I cannot put into words the amount of thanks that I owe to this law firm. I was treated like a human being, something my insurance company never did. I was treated with courtesy and kindness throughout this drawn out case. I consider myself fortunate to have individuals like APKH&C fighting for my rights.

-Bruce Gillissie